3 Things To Do Before Starting Your Massage Business

May 16, 2022

If you’re a massage student or a practicing massage therapist and you want to work for yourself and own a business, this blog post is for you!


Choose a Specialty

When you specialize, you are seen as an expert in that field. Imagine a client with a specific problem, who would they rather go to someone who claims they treat everything or someone who specializes in their particular problem? In most cases the specialist because the client realizes that you have more experience in handling their issue, in comparison to the generalist.

Being a specialist comes with perks too!

You can often charge higher rates, and contrary to belief, you actually get more clients coming directly to you.

But you might be wondering- does becoming a specialist mean that I can’t do anything else? Of course not! I’d recommend choosing your main specialty and then combining modalities. But the main point is to be the go-to person for a specific group of people who share a common problem. 


Be Loud

Once you decide that you want to open up your own business, everyone needs to know about it. I get understand that it might feel uncomfortable, but there’s nothing to be afraid of. The more people know about what you do, the better.

This is actually the most common method of getting your first client. Make sure you tell all your family and friends about what it is that you are pursuing- a simple Facebook post works perfectly! A portion of those people share that most, then their friends see it, and perhaps there is someone out there who’s looking for exactly what you’re offering. It works the same way with word of mouth. 


Get Good at Marketing

The reason why so many massage therapists fail is because they don’t know how to market. This ultimately means that no one has a clue about who you are, what you do, and how you can help, which results in no clients.

What I suggest you do is get comfortable with one social media platform such as Facebook or Instagram, build your presence, and then expand out to about three platforms. Get to understand how it works, and the audience that hangs out there, and start to build connections!

Another great tip for building your presence using social media is to not do it blindly! Have a schedule and plan when you’re going to post, what you’re going to post, how long you’re going to do engagement etc. Once you have gotten comfortable with one platform add on another. 

To save you time, you can also repurpose content which means that you essentially use one post across multiple platforms. However, be mindful of the tone and voice of each audience.

If you want to learn more about social media for massage therapists, Click the video below!


These are just three things to get you started! If you enjoyed this post make sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel as I share more tips there!